11Dimensions | History

11Dimensions was founded in July 2000 by Oliver Allenbacher. But the team has been employed independently in the IT business since the eighties.

In 2000 partnerships with Trendsurf and Connect2000 for hosting were created.

A major achievement was to obtain well-known customers within their first years.

In 2001 Andreas Otto joined the team in the area of technical and systems integration and 11 dimensions launched the new Connectity platform “Application Integration Server” as a system integration package with emphasis on UNIX. Strategical partnership with Compiler-Factory.

In 2003 strategical partnerships with Anima Software GmbH and Niessen Consulting we made to increase the range of service in locations and expertise.

In 2005 strategical partnership with Proventa Consulting AG was made to increase the services especially in the telecoms area and ETL. The product SQLExecute was launched.

In 2007 market research in Kenya with the aim to provide services in the East African market and make the necessary connections for outsourcing.

In 2009 foundation of our branch company "11 Dimensions Kenya Inc." in Nairobi to meet the challenges of the next decades of East African market.

The main focus of 11Dimensions is to significantly extend the possibilities available to our clients and partners and hence to contribute to their success. We are not an agency which simply supplies employees and we are not purely a software company. We deliver quality products and place great value on good customer relations. We do consulting in a multi-platform environment and process management.

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